Monday, November 16, 2009

Glen Beck.....Idiot?, comedian?, or waste of oxygen?!!!

Don't let the title fool you.......Glen Beck is definitely a waste of fucking oxygen! It amazes me everyday how there are people who can benefit monetarily by spewing hatred, lies and shit that has no bearing to anything relevant in how our government runs or is run. Lets just make some shit up and throw it out there because I'm on TV or the radio and people will believe unconditionally. Lets not bother checking the facts or thinking a little for ourselves....lets just believe its all true because some idiot on FOX news says so, or some hot air blowing conservative asshole on the radio vomits nonsense that morons (and don't kid yourself, you are morons) listen to and hold more dear to their hearts than the fucking bible. One example being the video clip included here of the Daily Show's Jon Stewart parodying Beck. The Daily Show, clearly a comedy show that pokes fun at the news, shows just how crazy Beck is. The outlandish examples and spot on aping of Beck by Stewart is a degree, if not for the fact that people believe that kind of crazy shit out of Beck. Had it been truly Beck pandering on his show how there is some kind of conspiracy going on with his health and Obama made it all happen with the ghost of Sadaam, people would be believing this and rushing out again to buy more guns that were suppose to be banned while demanding the Ghost Hunters tv show be allowed in the White House to find that evil Iraqi ghost.

Enjoy the video clip....and it is very scary how accurate of an impression this is, right down to the dialogue. You could have superimposed Beck's fat head onto Stewart's and I would have never known the difference. We can only truly hope that the next Beck ailment takes him away for good.....but we know fucking idiots like this never die...they just keep getting richer while dumbing up the world. Nuff and the ghost Sadaam have to go do some kind of liberal evil so I can sleep well tonight.

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